What If His people Prayed


Jesus’ resurrection changed everything! The women who were so faithful to him through the crucifixion and resurrection are there, obediently praying in expectation. As we might expect, Jesus’ mother is there praying as well. But look carefully and you will see Jesus’ brothers, once doubting and ridiculing him, now praying in expectation of their risen brother’s release of power through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Yes, they are waiting, but not idly waiting. Yes, they are praying, but they are also expecting the great work of the risen Jesus which will be done through them! God does amazing things when people who love the risen Jesus pray with expectation. So what are you waiting for? Get with a group of those who love Jesus, and pray with expectation for God’s work to be done through you.

Share Your Time

Share some time with those who need you.
They need our time more then we will ever know. It seems that we can get so wrapped up in our work or whatever else it may be and we tend to ignore those that need us the most. I received this email awhile back and found it to be sad. Sad because I know I have been on both ends of the story at one time or another or have seen it in others lives as well.

Share Your Time(author unknown)

A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door. “Daddy, may I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, sure, what is it?” replied the man.

“Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?

“That’s none of your business! What makes you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.

“I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little boy.

“If you must know, I make $20.00 an hour.”

“Oh,” the little boy replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I borrow $10.00 please?”

The father was furious. “If the only reason you wanted to know how much money I make is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you’re being so selfish. I work long, hard hours everyday and don’t have time for such childish games.”

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even madder about the little boy’s questioning. How dare him ask such questions only to get some money.

After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10.00, and he really didn’t ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door. “Are you asleep son?” he asked.

“No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy.

“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man. “It’s been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you. Here’s that $10.00 you asked for.”

The little boy sat straight up, beaming. “Oh, thank you daddy!” he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some more crumpled up bills. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at the man.

“Why did you want more money if you already had some?” the father grumbled.

“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied.

“Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?”


A man who packed stress balls for a living punched his boss in the face and threatened colleagues when he was sacked, a court heard.

Darren Baldwin, 44, hit the warehouse manager who dismissed him and then produced two knives when other staff tried to step in.

Blackpool magistrates yesterday heard: “His victim was in fear of his life. He shouted threats like: ‘I will cut you up’.”

Tracy Yates, prosecuting, said that when novelty firm SPS said Baldwin was losing his temporary job, the manager who passed on the bad news was punched in the face.

She said: “Four or five other staff arrived on the scene where the victim Philip Dilworth had been the victim on an unprovoked attack.

“Baldwin then produced two knives and Mr Dilworth was in fear of his life.

“Baldwin showed the knives to his colleague worker and started to shout threats like ‘I will cut you up’.”

The court heard that Baldwin, from Blackpool, left the trading estate where the company was based and was later arrested.

Baldwin, of Blackpool, admitted affray and assault and was bailed for pre-sentence reports.

The company in Blackpool sells novelty products including stress balls.

Handheld Football


Long before Nintendo released the Game Boy, Mattel had one of the first successful portable gaming devices. Football, released in 1977, was simple — navigate your running back around defenders (red LED blips) to score. The wildly popular game set the stage for the portable gaming devices that flooded the market in the early 1980s. Mattel released a “classic” version of Football in 2000 without the iconic LEDs.

I remember wearing my thumbs out on this one!!

Homeless Man Sues Parents For “Too Little Love.”

He blames his parents — for everything!

A Brooklyn man slapped his mom and dad with a $200,000 lawsuit that blames them for leaving him homeless and destitute because they allegedly raised him and his sibling in a poor household — and didn’t love him enough.

Bernard Anderson Bey, 32, claims he never got enough affection or support from parents Vickie and Bernard Manley — so now he wants them to mortgage their share of a Bedford-Stuyvesant home so their family can buy two Domino’s Pizza franchises to employ them all, according to the bizarre suit.

“Our whole family is really poor, and my father doesn’t care about the situation,” Bey said yesterday. “I feel unloved and abandoned.”
Wants to make parents pay.
Bey claims in the self-filed Brooklyn Supreme Court suit that as a child his father beat him, called him “bastard” and “motherf–ker” and did drugs right in front of him.

“Defendant Bernard Manley informed the plaintiff he was entitled to nothing, which is true,” Bey wrote in the suit. “I am not entitled to receive anything from an asset he owns. I only thought he might find pleasure in seeing his children become successful.”

Bey’s mother, Vickie Anderson, said yesterday she was scared of her eldest son.

“I live in the projects. You want to sue me? What’s next, you coming to shoot up my door?” the mother said sadly.

“He’s 32 years old. That speaks for itself. Welcome to America. Everyone in America has the same opportunity. Don’t blame the parents at this point. The choice is yours. You’re an adult.”

Manley said Bey was his stepson and dismissed the suit. “He’s not related to me. He’s not my son,” Manley said.

While Bey claimed each of his five younger siblings are on public assistance because of their parents’ neglect, a sister called him “crazy” and “a pathological liar.”

“I’m not on public assistance. My parents were not terrible. They did the best they could. He chose the life he’s leading now.”

In the Brooklyn Supreme Court suit, Bey said he demanded his parents mortgage their share in the home part-owned by the father so their family can “break the bonds of poverty” by buying two franchises like Domino’s.

Bey wrote the suit on a laptop in the Downtown Brooklyn homeless shelter where he flops.

The ne’er-do-well said he has been arrested on drug charges in the past but is trying to turn his life around and now attends an automotive trade school.



Chopper Strike

In this game, each player manoeuvres a fleet of helicopters and a fleet of jeeps (equipped with AA guns), trying to gain air or ground superiority. That is to say, you win by wiping out all of your opponent’s choppers or all of his jeeps.
A d3 indicates how many pieces you will move, and a d6 how far each one will move. Choppers move on the elevated “air” board, whilst jeeps stick to the ground. Terrain obstacles complicate matters for the jeeps at the players’ “border”. Choppers take choppers out by jumping over them (à la checkers); they can also take jeeps out by bombing them (stopping right above them). Jeeps take jeeps out by landing on them; they can also take choppers out using their AA guns (stopping right below them).51XAJkIt2JL

I would love to play this game again!

98 Frugal Date Ideas. Happy Valentines Day!

Going on dates doesn’t always have to mean draining your wallet at fancy restaurants. There are plenty of affordable and entertaining dates you can go on with your beloved. After all, it’s really the time you spend with your sweetheart that matters and not how much you’re spending on the dates. Here are 98 frugal dates for you to try:

  1. Cook each other’s family recipes for each other.
  2. Nostalgia movie night. Watch your favorite movies from during your school years.
  3. Watch a free improv show.
  4. Go for a hike in a beautiful park.
  5. Picnic outdoors and prep delicious foods to feed each other with.
  6. Explore the farmers market together, and share some juicy fruits or tasty snacks to munch on.
  7. Take a tour around a museum the both of you haven’t been to (preferably on free museum day!).
  8. Go to open mic night and sing your heart out.
  9. Visit a board game cafe and play games to your heart’s content.
  10. Pal up with your partner for trivia nights in neighborhood bars.
  11. Create your own city tour, and visit historic landmarks.
  12. Pick a documentary, and discuss it after watching.
  13. Have a book club date night. Choose a book to read together, and hold an intimate book club meeting for two when you’re both done with it.
  14. Volunteer together at the pound, homeless shelter, or your favorite nonprofit.
  15. Go swimming together.
  16. Stargaze and try to name the constellations you’re staring at with the help of an app or book.
  17. Watch birds and wildlife, and try to identify them with a book or app.
  18. Pick fruit from a farm, and find recipes to cook the fruit.
  19. Plan a trip together, and share pretty pictures and hot-spot descriptions with each other.
  20. Buy a travel book of your dream travel destination, and read it together.
  21. Visit the library, and read books together.
  22. Take a free meditation class together.
  23. Bike around the city.
  24. Bring $5 to the mall and see who ends up with the best buy.
  25. Rollerblade together or go to a roller skating rink.
  26. Try ice skating.
  27. Go on a free factory tour.
  28. Go bowling.
  29. Play a sport together.
  30. Make desserts for each other.
  31. Become a kid again, and play games at the arcade.
  32. Throw a fondue night, and experiment with unique ingredients.
  33. Go fishing.
  34. Watch a movie in a drive-in theater, and make a sundae or a root beer float to consume at home before going.
  35. Visit the zoo.
  36. Go to a jazz bar.
  37. Build a jigsaw puzzle together.
  38. Go to a local festival.
  39. Visit a flea market or thrift store, and try to find things you can restore together.
  40. Walk around Ikea, and get a meal there after exploring.
  41. Miniature golf.
  42. Attend a tasting of your favorite liquor.
  43. Check out an art exhibit.
  44. Paint together.
  45. Try to fold challenging origami pieces.
  46. Design mugs for each other.
  47. Go to a playground, and exchange childhood memories.
  48. Visit a dog park with your dog.
  49. Attend a pet show or meetup in your area.
  50. Make a scrapbook of your best memories together.
  51. Practice photo shoots if one of you is into photography.
  52. Attend free lectures.
  53. Go to a book signing.
  54. Doing crossword puzzles together.
  55. Take a dance class.
  56. Go to ’80s or ’90s night at a club or bar in your city, and dress up in clothes from that era.
  57. Paint ceramics together.
  58. Take a scenic road trip.
  59. Play video games from your childhood.
  60. Go to an airport, and watch planes take off together.
  61. Make and experiment with cocktails. Come up with your own names for the concoctions.
  62. Take a ferry ride.
  63. Camp in your room, and make blanket forts. Make s’mores with your microwave. Tell ghost stories.
  64. Fly a kite together. Perhaps even make the kite together before flying it.
  65. Play truth or dare with each other.
  66. Go on a coffee date.
  67. Visit movie locations in your city, and watch the movies after your tour.
  68. Go to the beach, and enjoy activities like building sandcastles and skipping rocks.
  69. Do a spa night at home, and give each other massages.
  70. Learn a new skill together from YouTube tutorials.
  71. Start watching a TV series together.
  72. Start a blog together.
  73. Go to the rooftop of a very high building and enjoy the view. Bring some sparklers to play with.
  74. Tackle an upcycling project. See this list of 200 suggestions.
  75. Write out your bucket list with each other.
  76. Admire the architecture in your city.
  77. Watch a play together. There are plenty of affordable plays hosted by colleges and local community groups.
  78. Pet-sit together.
  79. Go to a dive bar, and challenge each other to a game of pool, darts, or shuffleboard.
  80. Go open-house-hopping together.
  81. Check out an indoor rock climbing gym.
  82. Play in the snow. Make snow angels and snowmen. Start a snowball fight, and slide down a hill on a sled.
  83. Check out a local band.
  84. Redeem a daily deal together.
  85. Visit a candy store or ice cream parlor, and spend time talking and enjoying sweets.
  86. Watch a sports game together.
  87. Attend a poetry reading.
  88. Participate in a Nerf war.
  89. Attend free mixers in your city.
  90. Explore a haunted house.
  91. Go on a bus or train and get off at a random destination, then spend time exploring that neighborhood.
  92. Make a pizza together with all your favorite toppings. Get creative, and attempt to make a dessert pizza.
  93. Watch a high school or college sport together.
  94. Go to a foreign film night. They usually host one at a school or the library.
  95. Volunteer at an archeological dig.
  96. Attend a Home Depot workshop.
  97. Learn a language together.
  98. Go geochaching together.
Source: Shutterstock



My brain. Simple as that.

I Need A Game Night!

All games All The Time