#7 Board/Card Game Growing Up


Monoploy didnt make my list but this game did.

Blatant Monopoly styled game. In fact in the largest font in the rules at the top is this quote “This game plays similarly to the famous Monopoly game”.

The track is your standard circular track with movies(properties) and actor, award, dead or alive (chance, community chest) spaces.

As you travel you buy movies. There are two actors (houses) associated with each movie and upon landing on a actor space you draw three actors for purchase. Any actors in which you own the corresponding movie you may buy or if non match you may still purchase one card. Card prices are driven by dice. If you own both actors for a movie and you land on an award space you can draw to see if you win anything. If it is a major award (hotel) you place it on the movie and anyone landing there has to pay you a premium.

To me Monoploy was fun but could go on for ever and most people I played got bored with it quickly. Creature features was great as I loved all the old movie monsters and the shoiw know as Creature Features. I loved that you could buy different movies and needed the actors/actresses for the movie. This is one game that Im still trying to hunt down and buy.

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