Bubble Talk was the first game I played that took the Apples To Apples concept and added pictures to the mix.

In the party game Bubble Talk, the active player each round presents one of 150 images included in the game to the other players; these players then each choose one of the caption cards in their hands, and the active player decides which caption fits the image best, awarding the image card to the player who submitted that caption. Bubble Talk includes 300 different caption cards, with the captions presented in word balloons, aka, “bubble talk”.

This is a great game to pull out for people who really dont play games and they usually enjoy playing this one.bubble


Coming in at number 10 is a tie between two dice games. I love both of these because they are easy to play and easy to teach. Plus they travel well. Just throw them in your purse or backpack and off you go. The first one is called Qwixx. I love this game because its a game that Robin and I have played together a lot. What is also cool is that you can get this game for less than $10.

Qwixx is a quick-playing dice game in which everyone participates, no matter whose turn it is. Each player has a scoresheet with the numbers 2-12 in rows of red and yellow and the numbers 12-2 in rows of green and blue. To score points you want to mark off as many numbers as possible, but you can mark off a number only if it’s to the right of all marked-off numbers in the same row.

On a turn, the active player rolls six dice: two white and one of each of the four colors listed above. Each player can choose to mark off the sum of the two white dice on one of their four rows, then the active player can choose to mark off the sum of one colored die and one white die in the row that’s the same color as the die. The more marks you can make in a row, the higher your score for that row. Fail to cross off a number when you’re the active player, however, and you must mark one of four penalty boxes on your scoresheet. If you mark off the 2 or 12 in a row and have at least five numbers marked in that row, you get to also mark off the padlock symbol in that row, locking everyone else out of this color.

When either a player has four penalty boxes marked or a second color is locked, the game ends immediately. Players then tally their points for each color, sum these values, then subtract five points for each marked penalty box. Whoever has the highest score wins.



The other game is Roll For It. I had gotten this game when it was a kickstarter. It combines dice and cards and can also be found for under $10.

Roll For It! is a casual, family-friendly dice and card game. Each player starts the game with six dice of a single color, and three target cards are laid face-up on the table. Players take turns doing the following: On a turn, a player rolls all of her dice not already on cards, then places any dice that match the targets on the corresponding cards. (Alternatively, before taking her turn, a player can first choose to reclaim all of her dice from all cards.)

If the player now fulfills the target with her dice – e.g., a pair of 3s, a quartet of 6s, or a specific combination of numbers – she claims the card, takes back her dice (and returns any other dice on the card to their owner), then places a new card on the table. Each card is worth a certain number of points. The first player to earn forty or more points wins!

There are two sets of Roll For It! available — the red set comes with translucent dice and the purple set comes with pearl dice. There are no duplicate cards between the sets. Each set allows play for 2-4 players, but when they are combined, up to eight players can compete in the same game of Roll For It!




March Blog

February I  did the games I played growing up. For March I will  list the top 10 games that I’m currently playing starting with the next post. Stay Tuned. I would also love to hear what games that you may be playing or what are some of your favorites.




My brain. Simple as that.

I Need A Game Night!

All games All The Time