Do You Remember?

I think for my next few posts, they will be about things from the past. I was thinking how some things have just slipped away and no longer exists. Many of these things will be from childhood memories. No, I’m not stuck living in the past, but its the past that has helped shape who I am today. So hopefully you will enjoy some of my Do You Remember , if not, it will be a cool trip down memory lane for me LOL.

My first one is, Do You Remember Field Trips on the bus and trying to get truckers to honk their horns? I remember doing this on every trip and getting super excited when they would do it. You would have a bus full of us pumping arms up and down in the air. Funny thing is, I never knew how it started or why we did it. It just seemed like the natural thing to do.

After doing some research, I still couldn’t find an explanation as to how it started and why?

Does anybody know when it started and why, other than the face that it was cool, loud, and fun? 

Do kids  still do this today?




My brain. Simple as that.

I Need A Game Night!

All games All The Time