The Case of the Accidental Adult Film Star

If you were ever a resident of Council Grove, Kansas, it’s likely that you’re familiar with an urban legend that details the accidental exploits of a town sheriff who made a pre-internet era viral erotic tape. As it turns out, the legend actually checks out. As reported by ABC News, the sheriff of Council Grove, Kansas, accidentally returned a VHS—containing intimate footage of him and his wife—to the local video rental store. After the slip-up was made, numerous people around town soon learned the most intimate details of their local sheriff’s life.

In late 1986 in the small farm town of Council Grove, Kansas (pop. 2300), Morris County sheriff Corky Woodward rented a camera and a videocassette player from the only rental store in that town. Woodward then made an erotic 90-minute tape of himself and his wife Dannette but inadvertently left the tape in the VCR when he returned it to the store. The next person to rent the player got the tape as well, and soon hundreds of video copies of the couple’s amorous adventures were circulating throughout town.


The Jet-Black Squirrels of the Midwest

These squirrels’ possible possession of arcane powers (akin to black cats on Halloween) remain a source of contention, but the existence of these rare, jet black woodland creatures is irrefutable. These black squirrels are confined to the Midwest, concentrated in particularly large clusters in Michigan. The story goes that Kellogg’s cereal guru W.K. Kellogg imported the black squirrels in an effort to eradicate red squirrels, a species that he detested.

Have you ever seen one?

Wives Tales-Red Sky at Night, Sailor’s Delight. Red Sky in Morning, Sailor’s Warning


When we see a red sky at night, it means that the setting sun is sending its light through a high concentration of dust particles, which usually indicates high pressure and stable air coming in from the west, usually followed by good weather. A red sunrise can mean that a high pressure system (good weather) has already passed, thus indicating that a storm system14-18 (low pressure) may be coming.

Coca-Cola Recalled a “Suggestive” Poster

Yes, the soda company everyone knows and loves has experienced its fair share of public relations problems. The poster in question was benign enough, at least in the company’s intention. Issued in the 1980s as a way to promote the new bottle design, the poster bearing the slogan “Feel the Curves!” was quickly recalled after a keen-eyed observer noted an inappropriate sexual image in one of the ice cubes.


You decide!


Wives Tales-Newspapers are Great Glass Cleaner

Newspapers are made of dense fibers that contain no solid, scratching materials. Compared to paper towels, newspaper fibers are more rigid and will not separate and cause lint. Moreover, most newspapers now use smear-free soy-based ink that makes the newspapers an even better glass cleaner.


A Corpse Rotting a Hotel’s Water Supply

You know how sometimes the water at your hotel just tastes downright disgusting? Well, it’s not entirely outside of the realm of reason that there might be a dead body floating in the water supply, contributing to the less than desirable taste. At least, that’s what happened at a Los Angeles hotel in 2013. After several days of guests complaining about a terrible smell that emanated anytime they turned on the shower—not to mention the terrible taste when they tried to brush their teeth—management checked the water tank on the hotel roof and found the body of 21-year-old Elisa Lam floating inside. Her body was estimated to have been in the tank for two weeks.

Look her up. There are some really strange things and events that surrounded her death.

Urban Legends or Reality?

I have always been fascinated with Urban Legends and Old Wives tales. So much so, I’ve decided to spend my next several posts talking about them.

Kicking things off will be Colonel Buck’s Recurring Tombstone Stain

Passersby are often keen to point out the oddly-shaped mark, resembling a leg, that stains the tomb of this former Justice of the Peace. That’s because rumor has it that Colonel Jonathan Buck ordered a young woman be put to death for practicing witchcraft. Allegedly, her leg rolled out of the fiery blaze, and, in retaliation, the witch put an eternal curse on Buck’s final resting place in Bucksport, Maine.

The curse was called down upon the Colonel by the deformed son of the witch. “Your Tomb shall bear the mark of a witch’s foot for all eternity!” Or something like that. Not the most horrifying of curses, when you think about it.

While we can’t confirm any of that, of course, the tombstone has reportedly been scrubbed thoroughly several times, but the leg-shaped stain continues to reappear. Today, it’s become somewhat of a tourist attraction.


What do you believe?





My brain. Simple as that.

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All games All The Time