Chemtrails are polluting the sky…. and your mind.

The condensation trails, or “chemtrails,” left in the sky behind planes are just engine vapor mixed with the low temps of a night sky. Or maybe it’s a chemical sprayed into the air by the government, to secretly infect the masses and either poison us or control our minds.

Some claim it’s to “weed out” the sick and elderly, or even to sterilize members of the populace that the Powers That Be (whoever that is) deem as unworthy. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says it’s nonsense, of course, but who are you going to believe?

Reptiles control the government.

It all started with conspiracy theorist David Icke, who came up with the idea that a race of super intelligent reptiles, called “Annunaki,” have held most positions of political power for centuries. Everyone from Queen Elizabeth to George W. Bush to Henry Kissinger were accused of being secretly a reptile (supposedly wearing very realistic human masks). And people believe it! According to a Public Policy Polling survey, around 12 million Americans are seriously convinced that our leaders are really lizards in disguise.

The Mad Man Who Hangs Dead Bunnies from Bridges

Even if you weren’t a resident of Virginia in the 1970s when this urban legend became a favorite tale among children and teens, it’s likely that you’re at least familiar with some aspects of the story. As the legend goes, an escaped mental institution patient had taken to roaming around the countryside of Virginia, killing rabbits and hanging their dead bodies from bridges in the area. And, though this exact story may not fully check out, there are very real reports of a raving mad man in the area, who was seen by numerous people in October 1970. According to the witnesses, he was dressed in a white suit and bunny ears, sometimes even launching a hatchet at cars full of people.

Wives Tales-Cheese Causes Bad Dreams

Cheese, like other dairy products, contains tryptophan, which serves as a precursor for the sleep-inducing hormone serotonin. However, study participants who consumed dairy products including cheese before bed were more likely to report unsavory dreams.4-18

The Body Under the Hotel Bed

Legend has it that some people encounter dead bodies underneath their hotel beds. Though it sounds like a childhood campfire story, in fact, a dozen-plus newspapers have detailed stories about this grisly occurrence—from a couple in Atlantic City sleeping on a mattress that contained a dead body to guests at the Budget Motel in Memphis finding the dead body of Sony Millbrook, a missing person, just beneath their bed.

Makes you want to travel huh?





My brain. Simple as that.

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