Would You Return It?

By Michael Gryboski , Christian Post Reporter
April 24, 2013|4:36 pm

A Christian employee at a Florida golf venue found $36,000 cash at the facility, but rather than keep it for herself she turned it in to the police.

Rachel Castillo, a drinks server at the Miami Beach Golf Club, found the large sum of money on the golf course back in January when customers alerted her to a bag that had been left unattended.

Castillo proceeded to turn the money over to the police and recently the authorities were able to track down the 76-year-old man who had lost the bag with cash in the first place.

Castillo, whose monetary find was reportedly nearly equal to her annual salary, told local media that keeping the money would have been against their religious convictions.

“I’m a Christian, and the Bible says, ‘Do not steal, do not lie,’ you know, all these things, and if you do what’s right, if you live the right way, you’ll be taken care of. I believe I’ll be taken care of,” said Castillo to WSVN 7 News.

Jim Nourse, director of food beverage at the Miami Beach Golf Club, told The Christian Post in an interview that his coworker’s actions were “absolutely marvelous.”

Nourse also said that Castillo “always” works as an employee who lives her Christian faith and acts upon it.

According to Nourse, since the cash was turned in he believes “that they found the person … in a nursing home,” the address in his bag having been outdated information.

Authorities believe that the elderly individual might have a medical condition, which may explain his move to an assisted living home.

As reported by WSVN, Sgt. Bobby Hernandez of the Miami Beach Police Department commended Castillo for her actions.

“He might have a medical condition. That’s undetermined. We are in touch with the family members getting more information, but we have identified that money as his through different transactions that he made,” said Hernandez.

“But it’s nice that there’s people out there … $36,000 is what a lot of people make a year.”

America the beautiful: Mother calls 911 because her kid was playing GTA past bedtime.

America the beautiful: Mother calls 911 because her kid was playing GTA past bedtime. Yeah.
Gotta love cops. A woman in Boston got mad at her 14-year-old son for being up at 2:30am playing Grand Theft Auto. (At least the kid wasn’t smoking dust in the street at that hour.) In fact, she got so mad that she called 911 for help. You know, “You have to help me. My son is up in the middle of the night playing video games! I don’t know what to do!” The cops responded, no doubt aggravated that they had to deal with this garbage, by saying, “Calm down, ma’am. Just put your dumb kid to bed.” That’s not an exact quote, but you know that’s what they were thinking.

The woman, Angela Mejia, feared that her son was addicted to video games. Rather than throwing the kid’s PlayStation into the Charles like a normal parent would do, she waffles, baffled that her son is acting out by having the audacity to stay up late and play games.

And who knows: maybe this kid is absolutely miserable, and the time he spends playing video games represents his only outlet. That certainly sounds familiar.

It’s like, I could see the mother being upset if her son ran with gang-bangers, but staying up past his bedtime to get in a little GTA? Doesn’t sound like too big a problem to me, and certainly not worthy of harassing the 911 operators. As if they don’t have actual emergencies to respond to!

Would you have pressed charges against the mother?

What Was I Thinking

I’m going to give it my final attempt at writing a blog. I have currently 4 different blogs going. It is too much to keep up with so I decided to just have one blog. I will be combining all 4 of my blogs into this one blog. I will probably post old stuff to get the blog going and to allow me to come up with some new stuff. Im leaning towards posting something different each day from my, which will be no longer blogs. Mondays will be Mixed Nuts, Tuesday will be Toys, Wed will be Crazy News, Thursday will be Get Real and Fridays will be a Free For All on my thoughts for the week. Hopefully you will get some enjoyment out of this blog as I do enjoy working on it.





My brain. Simple as that.

I Need A Game Night!

All games All The Time