

So I tried all three of the new M&M’s and here’s what I thought of them.

I started with the Honey Nut. I can say I really liked it. To me it wasn’t overpowering and it had a good flavor. I then tried the Chili nut. After about 4 or 5 of them did I notice that it had a little kick to them. Not too bad either. Then I finally tried the Coffee nut. This is surprising as I can not stand coffee. Yes I said I can not stand coffee. Give me any type of Tea any day. Especially Chai Tea. Ok so back to the coffee. I ate about 6 or 7 of them and I can taste coffee for sure. It wasn’t horrible like I thought it would be but it still isn’t my cup of Tea LOL.  Overall all three of them I can see being liked by many people. If I had to choose just the one I would go with the Honey Nut. But for me,The Original are still the best. Especially Peanut!





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