Get Out Side And Play- Freeze Tag

This was one we played a ton of for sure.

Freeze Tag is a variation on the classic It-Tag Game. The main difference is that when a person is tagged, he or she must be “frozen” (not move) until a teammate tags the person to release them.

Materials Required: A large outdoor area free of obstacles.
Number of Players Required: 4-10 required.
Time Required: Varies. About 20 minutes.
How Do You Play Freeze Tag?

To play Freeze Tag, begin by choosing a person to be “It.” The person who is “it” is the player who can “freeze” other players. When the game begins, everyone runs away from the person who is “it.” The one who is “it” chases after other players, trying to tag (touch) them. If a person is successfully tagged, he or she must “freeze” in place (stand still and not move). Frozen people cannot move until another player un-freezes them (touches them to return them to normal).

The player who is “it” wins by freezing all players.

Dumb TV Facts of The Day

The first couple seen in bed together was Mary Kay & Johnny Steen (Source:

One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television.

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

In most advertisements the time displayed on an analog watch is 10:10.

Only 1/3 of all “Gilligan’s Island” episodes are about getting off the island.

The first toilet ever seen on television was on “Leave It To Beaver”.

To Blog or Not To Blog

I’m debating on blogging or not. I’m just not sure what content to cover.What type of content would you like to see me cover if I continue to blog?

My top 10

Who am I kidding. I love all pinballs. I could play any pinball and enjoy them. There are just way to many to list.






My brain. Simple as that.

I Need A Game Night!

All games All The Time