Not Always The Kids To Blame

ORANGE, Connecticut — An Easter egg hunt in Connecticut turned into a shoving match on Saturday, March 26th and ended with broken baskets and children in tears. In this case, it was the adults who could have used a “time out.”

The field adjacent to the PEZ Visitor Center in Orange, Connecticut was the site of a holiday Easter egg hunt that was free and open to the public.

Throughout the week leading up to the event, it attracted a lot of attention on the PEZ Facebook page.

Pictures show the massive crowd building on Saturday.

The event was supposed to take place in three stages — broken down into age groups — with the youngest children first, and eventually 12 year olds, the oldest group.

The parents didn’t pay much attention to procedure. In fact, according to reports, a lot of the adults on hand didn’t stand still.

“When it came time for like 10:30, the parents just bum-rushed that area,” Nicole Welch said.

“So we started talking to folks and, ‘hey, you know, this is supposed to start at a…directed time that we’ve posted. Let’s wait. We’ll give a whistle. We’ll give the signal to start this.’ And that lasted about a minute. And then folks just rushed the field and took everything,” Shawn Peterson, PEZ general manager said.

“When my son left he had a broken basket and was hysterically crying,” Welch said.

Peterson and his staff tried to regain control, but things quickly spiraled out of control.

“It was like locusts. Everybody just descended and then left,” Peterson said.

It left PEZ officials with a lot of disappointed children.

As a backup plan, company officials started handing out free stuff, but for many, the lines were too long and the mood wasn’t right.

“It’s unfortunate people left disappointed. And that’s certainly never the goal. Just, you know, it’s supposed to be a fun, free activity and we did our best and unfortunately fell a little short,” Peterson said.

There were no reports of any injuries.

Police didn’t respond to the event, but they did speak with PEZ officials afterwards.

story from

Cant Make This Stuff Up #2

A Pennsylvania man had a big beef with his brother over a Big Mac, and now he’s facing assault charges.

Thomas Veres, 47, was arrested early Wednesday morning after he allegedly punched his older brother, Matthew, 58, for eating three Big Macs and not saving one for him.

Police said Veres was so mad that he ransacked the home they shared in Union Township, knocking over furniture and appliances and throwing food, the Washington County Observer-Reporter reports.

Matthew Veres suffered injuries to his right eye and left cheek and had his ear cut during the assault, police said, according to the Associated Press.

Thomas Veres was arrested for simple assault and harassment. He was taken to the Washington County Jail where he remains on $2,500 bond, according to CBS Pittsburgh.

Can’t Make This Stuff Up.

A man is apparently suing his wife for the deep distress she caused when he saw her without makeup for the first time.

According to Yahoo! News, the husband made the shocking discovering the morning after their wedding in Algeria.

He was allegedly so stunned by his wife’s natural appearance, he didn’t believe he was in bed with the same person he married.

The man reportedly said she looked so different, Mirror reports, he was under the impression a stranger had come to “steal his apartment.”

A source told Emirates 247,

He said he was deceived by her as she used to fill up her face with make up before their marriage. He said she looked very beautiful and attractive before marriage, but when he woke up in the morning and found that she had washed the [makeup] off her face, he was frightened as he thought she was a thief.

The lawsuit accuses the woman of fraudulence and claims she owes the equivalent of a little over $20,000 for the “psychological suffering” induced by her incomparable deceit.


Day Care Fight Club

Three employees from the Hands of Our Future Daycare in Dover, Delaware were arrested after a cell phone video showed employees watching and encouraging two 3-year-olds fight each other.

Tiana Harris, 19, Lisa Parker, 47, and Estefania Myers, 21, were charged with Assault, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Reckless Endangering and Conspiracy for the incident, which occurred in March of 2012 and was captured on cell phone video.

In the video, police say one child can be heard crying and yelling, ‘He’s pinching me,’ while a daycare worker responds, ‘No pinching, only punching.’”

“Clearly one of the children is crying and does not want to continue on and he is pushed back into the fray by one of the adults,” Dover Police Captain Tim Stump said.

Cristyl Slack says her four-year-old daughter was in the room when the fight happened in March.

Missing Something?

Deborah Fashakin, 33, told police she was pumping gas in Seat Pleasant, Md., when someone jumped into her car and drove away. The real problem: her three children aged 1, 4, and 5, were inside. Prince George’s County police issued an Amber Alert and called in every detective available, suspending what they call “proactive” activities, such as surveillance, to focus on the search. Police were able to locate the stolen car, but the children weren’t inside. Fashakin later allegedly confessed that she had made up the part about her children “because she wanted an enhanced police response to finding her stolen car,” police spokeswoman Julie Parker said. Fashakin was charged with making a false statement and held on $5,000 bond. “This response cost tens of thousands of dollars and pulled resources that otherwise could have been spent serving the citizens of Prince George’s County,” Parker said. “We took this seriously. We had to.” (MS/Washington Post) …Which is worse: the fact that this woman lied about her children, or the fact that that’s the only way it seems they would take an auto theft seriously?

Clean My Home Thief!!

An American couple turned the tables on a burglar they caught ransacking their home by dispensing their own summary justice.

Without waiting for the law to arrive, the pair doled out their own punishment to the surprised criminal – they made him clean up the house at gunpoint!

The unlucky burglar was caught red-handed when Adrian and Tiffany McKinnon returned to their house near Montgomery, Alabama, after a week away.

To their dismay they discovered their home had been plundered.
“Tears just rolled down my face as I walked in and saw everything gone and piles of trash all over my home,” Mrs. McKinnon told her local newspaper the Montgomery Advertiser.

When her husband walked into another room to check what was missing he came face to face with the burglar, who was wearing one of Mr. McKinnon’s hats.

“My husband Adrian caught the thief red-handed in our home. And what is even crazier, the man even had my husband’s hat sitting right on his head,” Mrs. McKinnon said.

Mr. McKinnon held suspect Tajuan Bullock at gunpoint and made him sit down until he decided what to do.

“We made this man clean up all the mess he made, piles of stuff, he had thrown out of my drawers and cabinets onto the floor,” Mrs. McKinnon said.

When the police arrived the work-shy burglar had the cheek to complain to them – about having to clean up his mess at gunpoint.

“This man had the nerve to raise sand about us making him clean up the mess he made in my house,” said Mrs McKinnon.

But the police officer laughed at Bullock when he complained and told him that anybody else would have shot him dead.

Bullock was arrested on burglary and theft charges and was held in Montgomery County Detention Facility.

A police spokesman said the victims were lucky to be able to catch the suspect in the act and hold him until police arrived. It was an unusual case because usually burglars struck while the homeowner was away and were in and out fast so they could quickly sell the stolen items, the spokesman added.




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