Secret Santa

It’s the time of year when we begin to hear stories of strangers performing random acts of kindness and this year, the town of Hyannis, Massachusetts is the beneficiary. A stranger who bears more than a passing resemblance to Santa Claus has been visiting local fast food restaurants and making gifts of crisp $100.00 bills to the employees.

Among the establishments that have received the surprise visits so far are MaryLou’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King and McDonald’s. Envelopes bearing the message, “Merry Christmas” were passed out to all the employees.

According to Karen Sanguedolce who manages the Dunkin’ Donuts, the man asked how many employees worked there and then counted out 19 envelopes and turned them over to her to distribute, saying he hoped she had a nice holiday. The experience left her pleasantly shocked.

One recipient at Dunkin’ Donuts is inspired by the gesture. Patrick Nee wants to do something similar when he is older and has the money to be able to do so.

Though this Santa-wannabe has left the fast food workers of Hyannis stunned, it isn’t the first time this has happened in the town. Clorissa DeCosta who works at Burger King said last year the envelopes contained $50.00. She said every employee working at the time of his visit gets an envelope.

No one knows the identity of the secret Santa and that is just how this generous stranger wants it to stay. The reasons why he does it are curious but unimportant. Aside from the monetary gift, he is giving the gift of the spirit of Christmas and that is priceless.




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