Not Always The Kids To Blame

ORANGE, Connecticut — An Easter egg hunt in Connecticut turned into a shoving match on Saturday, March 26th and ended with broken baskets and children in tears. In this case, it was the adults who could have used a “time out.”

The field adjacent to the PEZ Visitor Center in Orange, Connecticut was the site of a holiday Easter egg hunt that was free and open to the public.

Throughout the week leading up to the event, it attracted a lot of attention on the PEZ Facebook page.

Pictures show the massive crowd building on Saturday.

The event was supposed to take place in three stages — broken down into age groups — with the youngest children first, and eventually 12 year olds, the oldest group.

The parents didn’t pay much attention to procedure. In fact, according to reports, a lot of the adults on hand didn’t stand still.

“When it came time for like 10:30, the parents just bum-rushed that area,” Nicole Welch said.

“So we started talking to folks and, ‘hey, you know, this is supposed to start at a…directed time that we’ve posted. Let’s wait. We’ll give a whistle. We’ll give the signal to start this.’ And that lasted about a minute. And then folks just rushed the field and took everything,” Shawn Peterson, PEZ general manager said.

“When my son left he had a broken basket and was hysterically crying,” Welch said.

Peterson and his staff tried to regain control, but things quickly spiraled out of control.

“It was like locusts. Everybody just descended and then left,” Peterson said.

It left PEZ officials with a lot of disappointed children.

As a backup plan, company officials started handing out free stuff, but for many, the lines were too long and the mood wasn’t right.

“It’s unfortunate people left disappointed. And that’s certainly never the goal. Just, you know, it’s supposed to be a fun, free activity and we did our best and unfortunately fell a little short,” Peterson said.

There were no reports of any injuries.

Police didn’t respond to the event, but they did speak with PEZ officials afterwards.

story from

Mcdonalds Condoms

By Jonathan Stempel

Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:14am EDT

(Reuters) – McDonald’s Corp has been sued by a woman who said her two-year-old son ate a used condom he found in the play area of one of its restaurants in Chicago.

Anishi Spencer filed the complaint against the fast-food restaurant chain on Wednesday in Cook County Circuit Court on behalf of herself and her sons, Jonathan Hines and Jacquel Hines.

According to the complaint, Spencer and her sons were at a McDonald’s restaurant in Chicago’s South Side on February 4, 2012 when Jacquel picked up the used condom from the floor, and shortly thereafter coughed up a piece of it.

Both boys required medical care, and have suffered lasting injuries, pain and discomfort, the complaint said.

Spencer accused McDonald’s of negligence for failing to clean hazardous debris from the play area, and failing to use appropriate security measures to help uncover “deviant activities.” The lawsuit seeks at least $50,000 of damages.

“This is a very disgusting case,” Jeffrey Deutschman, a lawyer for Spencer and her sons at Deutschman & Associates in Chicago, said in a phone interview.

He said he tried to settle, but was unable to do so after having to deal with “layers and layers” of bureaucracy at McDonald’s, which is based in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Do you believe her or not? What are your thoughts on this?

I Like Pigs Blood The Best

By Ree Hines, TODAY contributor
Just when it seems like “My Strange Addiction” has showcased the oddest habits out there — from a woman who eats cat fur to a man who really (really) loves his car — the show reveals a new, peculiar and particularly distasteful obsession.
In the upcoming season finale, viewers will meet Michelle, a woman who can’t seem to quench her thirst for blood.
“I like to drink blood when I’m reading, when I’m relaxing, when I’m watching TV, when I’m painting — there’s never a bad time for me to drink blood,” the 29-year-old tattoo artist explained.

And in addition to enjoying the nectar of life in virtually every setting, Michelle also likes it in just about any form.
“I wake up in the morning, I pour it into my coffee cup,” she said. “I like to cook with blood. I like to make it in soup. I like to cook it with stir-fry…. When I make Bloody Marys, I use vodka, hot sauce and then I add the final touch — the blood.”

In fact, Michelle, who claims to get irritable if her favorite drink isn’t on hand, goes through about a liter of blood per day to satisfy her cravings — that makes for nearly 1,000 gallons over the last 10 years. And not just any blood will do for the sanguinarian.
“I prefer pig’s blood to beef blood, because I prefer the gaminess,” Michelle said. “It’s a little bit more salty than the beef blood. The consistency is like that of wine. It’s just slightly thicker.”
And much bloodier.
See just how far Michelle’s thirst for blood goes, and find out whether or not she really wants to kick the habit, when the season finale of “My Strange Addiction” airs Wednesday, March 20 at 9 p.m. on TLC.

Man shot and killed while urinating from balcony

Man shot and killed while urinating from balcony
3:23 pm September 19, 2012, by George Mathis

If there’s one thing growing up in the rural South taught me, it’s that you should never urinate off a porch onto someone with a loaded weapon.

Unfortunately, such wisdom is not common in Pennsylvania.

My Cox colleagues at Pittsburgh’s report a gentleman enjoying a game of dominoes decided, at 11 p.m. Tuesday, to use the bathroom in public.

As 35-year-old Roosevelt Robinson, of Wilkinsburg, relieved himself over a side railing of what must have been an apartment balcony, witnesses heard someone shout “Yo, yo!”

Then, several gunshots were fired from below. Robinson was taken to a nearby hospital, where he died.

No arrests have been made.

St. Petersburg woman injured after bullet left inside oven explodes

ST. PETERSBURG — A young woman trying to make an evening snack ended up at the hospital Monday night after a round of ammunition exploded inside an oven, police said.

Eighteen-year-old Aalaya Walker just wanted some waffles.

What she didn’t know was that her friend Javarski “JJ” Sandy, 25, had placed a magazine from his .45-caliber Glock 21 in the oven. It’s unclear why he would do that.

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The gun itself was inside a drawer, Sandy later told police.

Walker preheated the oven shortly after 9 p.m. She heard an explosion a short time later.

She picked fragments of at least one round from her chest and leg. She rode the bus to St. Anthony’s Hospital, where she met with officers.

They sought out Sandy, who was at his apartment in the 200 block of 24th St. N.

Sandy, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, confirmed Walker’s story.

He told authorities there were four rounds in the magazine. He showed the melted magazine to officers, though he’d already thrown away the other bullets.

“He stated that he does not have a temperature gauge on the oven so he estimates the temperature based on how far the knob is turned,” an officer wrote in a report. “I observed that the inside of the oven was damaged.”

Police described Walker’s wounds as “superficial.” They did not make any arrests.

St. Petersburg woman injured after bullet left inside oven explodes 02/19/13 [Last modified: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:32pm]

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