Todays Verse

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

1 JOHN 3:18

Thought For The Day

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.

Proverbs 31:10
What would happen if we valued our spouses? What would happen if we publicly valued a faithful wife more than a voluptuous starlet? What would happen if character was valued more than money? I believe it would transform our culture, enhance our marriages, and produce stronger and better adjusted children. I know God would be pleased!

What If His people Prayed


Jesus’ resurrection changed everything! The women who were so faithful to him through the crucifixion and resurrection are there, obediently praying in expectation. As we might expect, Jesus’ mother is there praying as well. But look carefully and you will see Jesus’ brothers, once doubting and ridiculing him, now praying in expectation of their risen brother’s release of power through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Yes, they are waiting, but not idly waiting. Yes, they are praying, but they are also expecting the great work of the risen Jesus which will be done through them! God does amazing things when people who love the risen Jesus pray with expectation. So what are you waiting for? Get with a group of those who love Jesus, and pray with expectation for God’s work to be done through you.





I have several friends who are very wise in the way they speak. When they do speak up, everyone listens attentively because their words are always wise, well-timed, and worthwhile. Their righteous lives and careful use of words blesses and nourishes all who listen. There are others, however, that are constantly talking about everything and spending little or no time practicing what they preach. Their words are discounted as nothing more than their own desire to hear their own opinions about matters on which they know nothing—-Phil Ware




My brain. Simple as that.

I Need A Game Night!

All games All The Time